Moving, Part 2

Moving, Part 2

Just a check note that this week as been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I gave my notice at work on Wednesday and I cried. Yes, I cried. As much as I complain about my job, I am grateful that I have one. It was emotionally freeing handing my notice but now the real work begins. Cleaning closets, sorting through 5 years of junk and deciding what moves and what doesn’t make the traveling squad.

My last day at work is Wednesday June 20th and we are hoping to go to Lindale on the 21st to start looking for a place to live. 🙂 We have a housing budget and we will not budge from it. I’m taking the summer off from working outside of the home, so the budget must be adhered to or I have to work again. 😦

Just thought I would give you update on the move. I’m having a tour this week on the blog so come back and check it out. Its my first tour with Novel Publicity.

The Family is Moving

The Family is Moving

We got the official word that the husband got the job in Lindale, TX. He got a pay raise, relocation package and he gets to hire his own assistant manager. All of this is effective July 1, 2012. To say that we are excited would be an understatement. Its a new beginning for us as a family. Don’t get me wrong, Gun Barrel City, TX has been great. The school district is consistently ranked high in the state of Texas and we could not be more proud of Brian and his first years of school here. Brian’s after school care program is the best in the area, too. His summer day camp is the best.

Our church has been wonderful, too. Don’t laugh, we go every Sunday. Our new church has its own summer day camp and after school care program. Woo Hoo!

I’ll be honest though, we are a bit nervous about housing…like can we afford it on our budget? We’ve only been over there once to check it out so fingers crossed. I will be putting in my two weeks notice at work on Wednesday, too. That’s the biggest woo hoo for me at this very minute. If you have been following my trials and tribulations at my job then you know this is a great move for me. I will be able to read/review/blog but most importantly WRITE this summer. Super excited about that.

Lindale does have a celeb connection. Miranda Lambert was raised there and she has a store/winery in downtown Lindale. The school mascot are the Eagles and if you were to look at a map, Lindale is north of Tyler right off of Interstate 20 towards Louisiana.

I can not tell explain to you how excited we are about this move. Its a new beginning for us as a family and for me a chance to do what I want to do. Read/review/blog/write and be a mom!

I will try to keep everyone updated on this blog, not Harlie’s. 🙂 Thanks for coming by and celebrating with me.