Terri by Sharon Srock – Giveaway/Review/Excerpt/Interview

Terri by Sharon Srock – Giveaway/Review/Excerpt/Interview

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Sharon will be awarding an e-Book copy of Callie, the first book in the series, to a randomly drawn commenter at each stop, plus a grand prize of a $20.00 gift card to the Pelican Book Group website to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.  Just leave a comment and email to be entered.  Good luck!

Pink here and I need offer my apologies to Sharon for some of my interview questions.  Its inexcusable and I’m sorry.  🙂


by Sharon Srock




Despite a bustling day care center and a new foster child, Terri Hayes hungers for a family of her own. Then a plumbing mishap leaves her homeless and questioning God’s plan. Steve Evans’s gracious offer of his basement apartment as a temporary solution is an answered prayer.

Steve is a successful writer and a good father, but Terri is horrified when Steve’s book research leads him to a harsh confrontation with the parents of her foster child.  She needs to distance herself from Steve, but her efforts fall short as his two scheming daughters plot to make Terri their new stepmother.

Will harsh words and sneaky plans drive Kelsey’s family further apart and put a wedge between Terri and Steve? Or does God have another plan in store?


Excerpt Two:

Terri’s heart dropped to her stomach at the sound of Karla’s voice. Great, just great. She straightened and retrieved the meat from the refrigerator. When she turned she made certain she had a carefully constructed smile on her face. “Is the grill ready?”

“Just about.” Karla tilted her head. “What’s wrong?”

Terri shook her head. “Nothing.”

Karla pulled out a chair. “Not buying it. You don’t slam doors for nothing.”

Terri allowed herself a small defeated sigh. Very few secrets escaped her three friends. But Terri had hoped to keep her attraction to Steve to herself. With Callie busy distracting Samantha and no sign of Pam, maybe she could limit the damage control to Karla.

“Where’s Pam?”

“Tending to Harrison’s smashed thumb. Don’t try to change the subject.” Karla crossed her arms and settled her plump frame into a chair. “What’s got you slamming doors?”

Terri felt renewed frustration wash over her. Damage control be hanged. She waved in the direction of the backyard. “Why are men so…so…pigheaded?”

Karla’s green eyes widened, brows arching beneath her permed, silver hair. “Are you asking about the species in general, or is there a particular specimen giving you grief?”


“Steve?” Karla looked out the storm door. “You want me to beat him up for you?”

Terri smiled at the picture Karla’s offer painted, almost able to see the sixty-year-old woman taking down the much younger man.



Top ten things you don’t know about me:

1.  Cotton or Silk?

Neither. Both of those options have to be ironed and I’m allergic to that particular appliance. I’m more a wash, dry, and go sort of person.

2.  Champagne/beer/wine?

None of the above.

3.  Plotter/pantser

Pantser. Actually if there is a more extreme choice than Pantser, that would be me.

4.  Describe your workspace

Where ever I happen to be at any given moment. I write at my desk at work on break and lunch, I’ve handwritten scenes in a notebook at the lake, I’ve taken my small notebook computer on cruises, retreats, and in the back seat of my ex-husbands car. I have two jobs in addition to the writing, so, while I do have a desk at home, not a lot of the actual writing get s done there.

5.  Sports fan or just tolerate it?

Tolerate mostly. I do enjoy NASCAR is I can keep my Sunday afternoon nap at bay long enough to watch it.

6.  Who is your biggest influence on writing?

I belong to a terrific writers group. They have been my teachers, encouragers, readers, and critiquers. They took a newbie under their wing and molded a writer.

7.  Favorite food –

I’m a woman…CHOCOLATE!
8.  When did you start writing?

I put the first word of the Women of Valley View series on paper 5 years ago this spring.

9.  If money were no object, where would you like to live?

Anywhere on a topical beach. I love the ocean.
10.  What’s next for you?

I just signed a contract on the 3rd book in The Women of Valley View series. Look for The Women of Valley View: Pam to be released sometime in2014. I am currently working on book 4, The Women of Valley View: Samantha.


As everyone knows, my sister can be a pain.  I love her but she can be.  When she gave me this book to read, she didn’t tell me anything about it except to read it and write a review.  Of course being the younger sibling, I do has I’m told.  Boy, I’m glad that I did what I was told to do this time.

Terri is one of those books that you sit down to read and literally can not put it down.  Ms. Srock doesn’t skirt some pretty intense situations in the book either.  Drug addiction, foster parenting, death of a parent, losing your way with Christ, and matchmaking teenagers.  I remember when Harlie was pregnant with my nephew and how they wanted more babies but sadly, it didn’t happen that way for her.  When I asked her how she handled being a mother of one instead of the two or three that she wanted, she told me that it was God’s Plan, not her’s and her husband’s.  My sister has been a big believer of God only giving you what you can handle and nothing more.  He has the plan and yes, you can question that plan all the time but God knows what is best.  I never looked at it that way when she told me that but after reading Terri and Steve’s story, I’m a believer now.

Terri had her life somewhat planned out but time was ticking when it came to marriage and babies.  Dealing with a house that has flooded, a foster child to take care of and then overhearing the man that she had started to really care for say that he didn’t want anymore babies.  Well, that’s enough to bring any sane woman to her senses.  Too bad, Steve’s children didn’t see it that way.  Neither did there friends for that matter.  Terri was somewhat sheltered when it came to the things that had happened to Steve on his path.  She never had to deal with addiction, losing your children and then your ex-wife.  Being a grandparent at a young age and having your teenager daughter and grand baby living with you.

What endured me about Terri was her faith in everything.  Yes, did it falter?  You bet.  Did she sometimes ask God what was he thinking?  Of course but don’t we all do that sometimes?  I question God all the time about the path that He has me on.  Its only natural and you should question Him every so often.  Terri had very good friends to lean on and in a sense Kelsey’s mother.  Yes, her foster child’s mother.  Trust me, it’s a turning point in the book that I didn’t see coming.  I expected the opposite.

The secondary characters in the book are well thought out and very supportive.  Never too much and not enough.  Ms. Srock has managed to create a town and its characters that I would be friends with.  Even go to church with and hang out with.  Being from Oklahoma myself, I can appreciate the lines  about the heat.  🙂  It does get extremely hot in the summer.

Overall, I would definitely recommend Terri for everyone.  Of course silly heads it’s a Christian based romance but its much more than that.  It’s a gentle reminder that its okay to question the path that we are on as humans.  He expects us too but we also need to listen to what He has to say.  Just saying…and yes, I’m using Harlie’s ratings again.   This time, she said it was okay.  🙂


AUTHOR Bio and Links:Terri AuthorPic

Sharon Srock lives with her husband, Larry, and two dogs in Rural Oklahoma. She is a mother, grandmother, and Sunday School teacher. Sharon has one and three-quarters jobs and writes in her spare time. Her favorite hobby is traveling with her grandchildren. She is a member of the ACFW and currently serves as treasurer for her local chapter. Sharon’s debut novel, The Women of Valley View: Callie released in October 2012. The second in the series, The Women of Valley View: Terri releases in April 2013.

Connect with her here:

Website:  Sharonsrock.com

Blogt: http://www.womenofvalleyview.blogspot.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SharonSrock#!/SharonSrock

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/SharonSrock

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6448789.Sharon_Srock